Friends of Village Life

A family adventure

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Party in the Phuum

Last saturday our neighbours had a party as the grandmother was going to visit relatives in Australia for three months. We were invited after the boys were already in bed so only Tim could go, which was a shame, but he had agreat time. Khmer parties can be very formal affairs but not this one. It was just extended family and immediate neighbours and after the mandatory chicken curry was consumed round circular plastic tables it was time to dance.

In addition to the two tables was a karaoke machine with attended public address system speakers set up in a clearing between two houses surrounded by trees and open to the stars. A chair was set in the middle of the clearing as the centre point of the dance. Dancing here, like life, is circular, slow and rhythmic with occasional up beat crescendos, and of course it includes everyone from young to old all. The songs were a fusion of traditional folk music with dance base beats, we really enjoy it (normally from a distance, overhearing other peoples parties across the village).

The only bit Tim was not to keen on was the downing of numerous glasses of beer with ice in it. Neither downing beer nor ice in beer are really his thing anymore (not that ice in beer ever was....). Tim left at about eleven when the granny went to bed, it went on till two. We would like to have a party like this when we leave at the end of march but maybe finish a little earlier!


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