Friends of Village Life

A family adventure

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Adventure Anniversary

Last sunday made it a year since we arrived in Bodge. Catherine and I asked ourselves what gave us most life about being here and what times were most special to us. This is a sample of our responses:

Watching Eden and Forrest grow and flourish, particular moments including when Forrest did something new that he was really proud of (e.g. triking back from friends in the country and potty learning) and seeing Eden exploring and embracing his surroundings (especially one long hug and kiss of Ausman, a six year old friend, much to Ausman's shock and following delight).

Watching Catherine pottering around the neighbourhood and local garden in the wat with the boys in their hats and colourful clothes.

Catherine baking bonanza of bread and ham and potatoes at Christmas.

Our relationship and growing friendship with our helper Torika, especially seeing her work through on difficult circumsatnces outside of work and playing with Forrest.

Those times of feeling at ease sitting on a table bed under a neighbours house passing the time of day.

The difficult but rewarding experience of learning about ourselves and being challenged about what our priorities really are in life, just by being here.


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